Therapy Program
Therapy is provided by licensed medical or behavioral health professionals working within their scope of practice in counseling, occupational therapy, physical therapy, psychotherapy, recreational therapy and speech-language pathology. The therapist determines how equine interactions, movement or aspects of the equine environment may enhance the client’s individualized treatment plan with the goals of improving the client’s sensorimotor, cognitive, behavioral, emotional or psychological function for improved health and wellness. Best practice dictates the therapy professionals obtain specialized training focused on the safe inclusion of horses in treatment. Types of professionals on staff include:
Types of Therapy Offered at Chastain Horse Park
Physical Therapy
The physical therapist can overlay a variety of motor tasks on the horse’s movement to address the motor needs of each patient and to promote functional outcomes in skill areas related to gross motor ability such as sitting, standing, and walking.
Occupational Therapy
The occupational therapist is able to combine the effects of the equine movement with other standard intervention strategies for working on fine motor control, sensory integration, feeding skills, attention skills, and functional daily living skills in a progressively challenging manner.
Equine-assisted psychotherapy, sometimes referred to as EAP, refers to activities with horses that are conducted while being supervised by a mental health professional and an equine specialist. This form of therapy has been used to treat anxiety, ADHD, eating disorders, depression, and many other mental health conditions.
Looking for Occupational Therapy or Physical Therapy?
Our services are conducted by Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International Registered Certified Instructors who have a strong equine background as well as an understanding of various disabilities. Instructors and volunteers work closely with riders to ensure safe riding sessions. A new rider is general assisted by two side walkers and a horse leader. Chastain Horse Park partners with My Heroes Therapy to conduct therapy services at our facility. Contact Brent Applegate at My Heroes Therapy for paperwork, insurance, and cost details.
Chastain Horse Park has partnered with Kelly Stephens, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), who will lead mental health therapy groups in this new equine-assisted psychotherapy offering.
We anticipate expanding our offerings in this area in 2025 so please check back for nee information. Current Groups scheduled for 2025 are:
March 4, 11, 18: Grief and Loss
May 6, 13, 20: Reducing Anxiety
July 1, 8, 15: Grief and Loss
September 2, 9, 16: Reducing Anxiety
November 4, 11, 18: Grief and Loss